Publications B1

The publications of the CRC 732 project B1

The Form and Interpretation of Derived Nominals

PhD Dissertations

  • Caruso, Zeljka. 2013. The Syntax of Nominal Phrases in Articleless Languages: A Split DP Analysis of Croatian Nouns. PhD Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart.
  • Brandtner, Regine. 2011. Deverbal nominals in context. Meaning variation and copredication. PhD Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart. SinSpec 8.

MA/BA Theses

  • Rube, Yana. 2018. Emotion Expression and Verb Argument Structure: A Corpus-Based Study of English and Russian Psych Verbs. MA Thesis, University of Stuttgart.
  • Abrosimova, Alla. 2017. 'Object' and 'Subject' Readings in English Deverbal Compounds: Corpus-driven Insights from Verb Subcategorization Frames. MA thesis, University of Stuttgart.
  • Tudor, Andreea. 2017. The Meaning of Deverbal Compounds in English: The Role of the Suffix. MA thesis, University of Stuttgart.
  • Pairamidis, Andreas. 2017. The Syntax of Synthetic Compounds: A Comparative Study of Synthetic Compounds in Greek and English. Zulassungsarbeit, University of Stuttgart.
  • Zillmann, Bo. 2016. Argument Structure in English and German Nominalizations: A Corpus-based Study. BA Thesis, University of Stuttgart.
  • Bidarian, Farinaz. 2014. Anticausatives and Passives with Psychological Verbs in English and Persian. BA Thesis, University of Stuttgart.
  • Wang, Shanshan. 2014. A Comparative Analysis of Psychological Predicates in Mandarin Chinese and English. BA Thesis, University of Stuttgart.

Peer Reviewed Publications

  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Artemis Alexiadou. Submitted. Deverbal compounds between compositionality and idiomaticity. 
To appear
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina, Lonneke van der Plas & Glorianna Jagfeld. To appear. Compositionality in English deverbal compounds: The role of the head, in Sabine Schulte im Walde & Eva Smolka, Who Nicks the Nickname? An Interdisciplinary, Cross-lingual Perspectiveon the Role of Constituents in Multi-word Expressions, book series Phraseology and Multiword Expressions, Language Science Press.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. To appear. Quantitative derivation in morphology. Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology -- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
  • Werner Martina & Gianina Iordachioaia. To appear. The development of gender and countability effects in German ung- and English ing -nominals. Michela Cennamo & Claudia Fabrizio (eds.), Selected Papers from the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, John Benjamins.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Martina Werner. 2018. Categorial shift via aspect and gender change in deverbal nouns. Hubert Cuyckens, Liesbet Heyvaert & Stefan Hartmann (eds.), Categorial shift. From description to theory and back again, special issue of Language Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.langsci.2018.08.011.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2017. On the complex relationship between deverbal compounds and argument supporting nominals. A. Malicka-Kleparska & M. Bloch-Trojnar, eds., Aspect and valency in nominals. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 53-82.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina, Artemis Alexiadou & Andreas Pairamidis. 2017. Morphosyntactic sources for nominal synthetic compounds in English and Greek. Jörg Meibauer & Petra M. Vogel, eds., Zusammenbildungen/Synthetic Compounds, special issue of Zeitschrift für Wortbildung/ Journal of Word-formation 1: 47-72.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. 2015. Pluractionality with lexically cumulative verbs. Natural Language Semantics. 23.4: 307-352.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. 2015. Deverbal nominalization with the 'Down'-operator. E. O. Aboch, J. C. Schaeffer, and P. Sleeman (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2013: Selected Papers from Going Romance 2013. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 223-238.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina, Artemis Alexiadou & Elena Soare. 2015. The structural source of stative nominalizations from psych verbs. Labeau, E. & Zhang, Q. (eds.) Taming the TAME systems. Leiden/Boston: Brill Rodopi (Cahiers Chronos 27), 137-160.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. 2014a. The Psych Causative Alternation. Lingua 148: 53-79.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. 2014b. Two Syntactic Strategies to Derive Deadjectival Nominals. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis 3585, Anglica Wratislaviensia LII: 67-85.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. 2014c. Causative Nominalizations: Implications for the Structure of Psych Verbs. A. Bachrach, I. Roy & L. Stockall, eds., Structuring the Argument, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, 119-137.
  • Artemis Alexiadou, Gianina Iordachioaia, Mariangeles Cano, Fabienne Martin & Florian Schäfer. 2013. The Realization of External Arguments in Nominalizations. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 16.2: 73-95.
  • Artemis Alexiadou, Gianina Iordachioaia, Fabienne Martin, Florian Schäfer & Mariangeles Cano. 2013. 'Direct participation' and 'agent exclusivity' effects in derived nominals and beyond. G. Iordachioaia, I. Roy & K. Takamine, eds., Categorization and Category Change, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • von Heusinger, Klaus & Schwarze, Cristoph. 2013. Italian V+N compounds in a two-level semantics. Morphology 23:1, 325-350.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2011. Statives and nominalization. I. Roy & E. Soare (eds.), Nominalizations, Special Issue of Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 40: 25-52.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis, Gianina Iordachioaia & Florian Schäfer. 2011. Scaling the variation in Romance and Germanic nominalizations. In P. Sleeman & H. Peridon, eds, The Noun phrase in Romance and Germanic. John Benjamins, 25-40.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Melita Stavrou. 2011. Ethnic adjectives as pseudo-adjectives: A case study on syntax-morphology interaction and the structure of DP. Studia Linguistica 65: 117-146.
  • Lohrmann, Susanne. 2011. A unified structure for Scandinavian DPs. In Sleeman, Petra & Harry Perridon (eds.). The Noun Phrase in Romance and Germanic. Structure, variation and change. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Schäfer, Florian. 2011. Naturally atomic er-nominalizations. I. Roy & E. Soare (eds.), Nominalizations, Special Issue of Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 40. 149-174.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2010a. Nominalizations: a probe into the architecture of grammar. Part I: the nominalization puzzle. Language and Linguistics Compass 4: 496-511.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2010b. Nominalizations: a probe into the architecture of grammar. Part II: the aspectual properties of nominalizations, and the lexicon vs. syntax debate. Language and Linguistics Compass 4: 512-523.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2010c. Reduplication and doubling contrasted: Implications for the structure of the DP and the AP.  Linguistica 5: 9-26.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis, Gianina Iordachioaia & Elena Soare. 2010a. Number/Aspect interactions in the syntax of nominalizations: a distributed Morphology approach. Journal of Linguistics 46: 537-574.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis, Gianina Iordachioaia & Elena Soare. 2010b. Syntactic realization of plural in Romance and Germanic nominalizations. In K. Arregi & al. (eds.) Romance Linguistics 2008: Interactions in Romance, 107-124.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis, Gianina Iordachioaia & Elena Soare. 2010c. Plural marking in argument supporting nominalizations. In Patricia Cabredo-Hofherr & Brenda Laca (eds.), Layers of Aspect. CSLI Publications, 1-22.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Florian Schäfer. 2010. On the syntax of episodic vs. dispositional -er nominals. In A. Alexiadou & M. Rathert (eds.) The Syntax of Nominalizations across Languages and Frameworks, Berlin: de Gruyter, 9-38.
  • Brandtner, R. & von Heusinger, K. 2010. Nominalization in Context - Conflicting Readings and Predicate Transfer. In A. Alexiadou & M. Rathert (eds.), The Semantics of Nominalizations across Languages and Frameworks. Berlin: de Gruyter, 25-50.
  • Iordachioaia, G. & E. Soare. 2009. Syntactic Patterns Blocking Plural in Romance Nominalizations. E. Aboh, E. der Linden, J. Quer and P. Sleeman (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2007. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 145-160.
  • von Heusinger, K. & Schwarze, C. 2006. Underspecification in the Semantics of Word-Formation. The Case of Denominal Verbs of Removal in Italian. Linguistics.

Other Publications

To appear
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. To appear. English deverbal compound with and without arguments. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • Abrosimova, Alla. To appear. External arguments in deverbal compounds. Proceedings of the 60th StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft "Student Conference in Linguistics"). University of Heidelberg.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. 2017. Deverbal compounds between nominalizations and phrasal compounds in English and Romanian. Verginica Barbu-Mititelu, Mihaela Ionescu & Gianina Iordachioaia (eds.), Lingvistica generala, lingvistica formala, lingvistica computationala. Omagiu profesorului Emil Ionescu la 60 de ani [General Linguistics, Formal Linguistics, Computational Linguistics. A Festschrift for Professor Emil Ionescu on his 60th Birthday]. Bucharest: Bucharest University Press.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2014a. Multiple Determiners and the Structure of DPs. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2014b. Nominal derivation. In R. Lieber & P. Stekauer, eds., Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology, 235-256.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2014c. The syntax of adjectives. In A. Carnie & al., eds., Routledge Hanbook of Syntax.
  • Artemis Alexiadou, Mariangeles Cano, Gianina Iordachioaia, Fabienne Martin & Florian Schäfer. 2014. Direct participation effects in derived nominals. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. 2014. The interaction between nP and DP in nominalizations. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the North-East Linguistic Society (NELS 43).
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2013a. Deriving color adjectival nominalizations. Linguistica. Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto 8: 143-158.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2013b. Adverbial and adjectival modification. In M. den Dikken (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax, 458-484.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. 2013. Psych Nominalizations with Causers. S. Keine & S. Sloggett (eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the North-East Linguistic Society (NELS 42), pp. 53-66.

  • Iordachioaia, Gianina, Isabelle Roy & Kaori Takamine (eds.). 2013. Categorization and Category Change. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina, Isabelle Roy, & Kaori Takamine. 2013. Categories and categorization: Introduction. In Iordachioaia et al. (2013), pp. 3-10.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina, Isabelle Roy, & Kaori Takamine. 2013. Issues in category change: Introduction. In Iordachioaia et al. (2013), pp. 87-94.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Cinzia Campanini. 2012. On the adverbial reading of infrequency adjectives and the structure of DP. In P. Ackema et al. (eds.) Comparative Germanic Syntax: The State of the Art. John Benjamins. 35-66.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Kirsten Gengel. 2012. NP ellipsis without focus movement/projections: the role of classifiers. In I. Kucerova & A. Neeleman (eds.) Contrasts and Positions in Information Structure. Cambridge University Press, 177-205.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Fabienne Martin. 2012. Competing affixes as aspectual morphemes: The case of deadjectival nominalizations. MMM8 Online Proceedings, 8-22.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. 2012a. Review of Geert Booij, Construction Morphology, Oxford University Press, 2010. Linguistische Berichte 229. 117-122.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. 2012b. Review of Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman, What is Morphology?, 2nd ed., Wiley-Blackwell., 2011. Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 23.2: 191-193.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina (ed.). 2012. Proceedings of JeNom 4 (4èmes Journées d'Étude sur les Nominalisations / The 4th Workshop on Nominalizations), SinSpeC, Working Papers of the SFB 732, vol. 9.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2011. The aspectual properties of nominalization structures. A. Galani, G. Hicks & G. Tsoulas (eds.) Morphology and its interfaces. John Benjamins.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2011. Plural mass nouns and the morpho-syntax of number. Proceedings of WCCFL 28, 33-41.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis. 2011. Remarks on the morpho-syntax of code switching. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Greek linguistics, 29-31 October 2009, University of Chicago, 44-55.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Kirsten Gengel. 2011. Classifiers as morphosyntactic licensors of NP ellipsis: English vs. Romance. Proceedings of NELS 39.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. 2011. A further insight into the syntax-semantics of pluractionality. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 21, 95-114.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Monika Rathert (eds.). 2010a. The semantics of nominalizations across languages and frameworks. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Monika Rathert (eds.). 2010b. The syntax of nominalizations across languages and frameworks. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.


  • Alexiadou, A. 2009. On the role of syntactic locality in morphological processes: the case of (Greek) derived nominals. In A. Giannakidou & M. Rathert (eds.) Quantification, Definiteness and Nominalization. Oxford University Press. 253-280.
  • Alexiadou, A., E. Anagnostopoulou & F. Schäfer. 2009. PP Licensing in Nominalizations. In Proceedings of NELS 38, Amherst, MA: GLSA.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis, Gianina Iordachioaia & Mihaela Marchis. 2009. Supine nominals as participial nominalizations.  Bucharest Working papers in Linguistics 11:1, 67-79.
  • von Heusinger, K. 2009. Zur Bedeutung von Derivationen an der Schnittstelle von lexikalischer Semantik und konzeptueller Struktur. Deutsche Sprache.
  • Alexiadou, A. & J. Grimshaw. 2008. Verbs, nouns and affixation. In F. Schäfer (ed.), SinSpeC (1): Working Papers of the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart.
  • Alexiadou, A. & G. Müller. 2008. Class features as probes. In A. Bachrach & A. Nevins (eds.) Inflectional Identity. Oxford University Press, 101-155.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & F. Schäfer. 2008. Instrumental -er nominals revisited. Online proceedings of WCCFL 27 Poster Session. UCLA.
  • Brandtner, R. 2008. Meaning Transfer and the Compositional Semantics of Nominalizations. In F. Schäfer (ed.), SinSpeC (1): Working Papers of the SFB 732 "Incremental Specification in Context". Online Publikationsverbund der Universität Stuttgart (OPUS).
  • Iordachioaia, G. 2008. External argument PPs in Romanian nominalizations. In F. Schäfer (ed.), SinSpeC (1): Working Papers of the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart.
  • Iordachioaia, G. & E. Soare. 2008. Two Kinds of Event Plurals: Evidence from Romanian Nominalizations. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & O.  Bonami (eds.), Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics, 7, online publication, ISSN 1769-7158, pp. 193-216.
  • Marchis, M. 2008.The internal structure of -or nominalizations in Romanian. In F. Schäfer (ed.), SinSpeC (1): Working Papers of the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart.
  • Schäfer F. 2008a. Event Denoting -er Nominalizations in German. In F. Schäfer (ed.), SinSpeC (1): Working Papers of the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart.
  • Alexiadou, A., L. Haegeman & M. Stavrou. 2007. Noun phrase in the generative perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Selected Presentations (since 2010)

  • Abrosimova, A. Argument Structure in Deverbal Compounds. Poster presented at the 38. TABU Dag, Groningen, June 22-23, 2017.
  • Iordachioaia, G., L. van der Plas & G. Jagfeld. Using Corpus Data and Human Judgments to Interpret English Deverbal Compounds. The 7th International Workshop on Nominalizations (JeNom 7), Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland, June 1-2, 2017.
  • Iordachioaia, G., A. Alexiadou & A. Pairamidis. Morphosyntactic Sources for Nominal Synthetic Compounds in English and Greek. Invited talk, University of Verona, April 12, 2017.
  • Iordachioaia, G., L. van der Plas & G. Jagfeld. The Role of the Head in the Interpretation of Deverbal Compounds. Workshop Wen wurmt der Ohrwurm? An interdisciplinary, cross-lingual perspective on the role of constituents in multi-word expressions, within the 37th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS 2017), Saarbrücken, Mar. 8-10, 2017.
  • Iordachioaia, G., L. van der Plas & G. Jagfeld. The Morphosyntax and the Interpretation of English Deverbal Compounds: A Corpus-based Study. Invited talk, Humboldt University, Berlin, February 20, 2017 & Osnabrück Linguistics Day, University of Osnabrück, January 12, 2017.
  • Abrosimova, A. External Arguments in Deverbal Compounds. Talk presented at the 60. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft). Heidelberg. November 17-20, 2016.
  • Abrosimova, A. Deverbal Compounds with Subject Non-Heads. Poster presented at the Area B-Workshop, SFB 732 New empirical and theoretical perspectives on the literal/nonliteral meaning divide. Stuttgart. October 10-11, 2016.
  • Iordachioaia, G., L. van der Plas & G. Jagfeld. The Grammar of English Deverbal Compounds and their Meaning. Workshop Grammar and Lexicon, within the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Osaka, Dec. 11, 2016.
  • Iordachioaia, G., A. Alexiadou & A. Pairamidis. Morphosyntactic Sources for Synthetic Compounds. Workshop Compounding and Derivation: Interactions in Structure and Interpretation, within the 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2016), Naples, 31 Aug. - 3 Sept. 2016.
  • Iordachioaia, G. Agents and Causers in Psych Nominals. Invited talk, Institute for English and American Studies, University of Frankfurt, April 25, 2016.
  • Iordachioaia, G. Determiners and Nominalization. Invited talk, Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia, March 16, 2016.
  • Iordachioaia, G. Number in Nominalizations. Invited talk, Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, November 24, 2015.
  • Iordachioaia, G. & M. Werner. Aspectual change in English -ing and German -ung nominalizations. The 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL22), Naples, July 27-31 and The 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leiden, September 2-5, 2015.
  • Iordachioaia, G. External arguments in English psych nominals. Invited talk, Journées d'Études sur les Nominalisations (JeNom 6), Verona, June 30-July 1, 2015.
  • Alexiadou, A. & G. Iordachioaia. Idiomaticity and compositionality in deverbal compounds. The 8th Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics: The Grammar of Idioms (BCGL8), Brussels, June 4-5, 2015.
  • Iordachioaia, G. & M. Werner. Diachronic change in the syntax of English ing and German ung nominalizations. The 17th Diachronic Generative Syntax conference (DiGS 17), Reykjavik, May 29-31, 2015.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. Deverbal Nominalization with the Down Operator. Going Romance 2013. 27th Symposium on Romance Linguistics. University of Amsterdam, Nov. 28-30.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. The Determiner Restriction in Romance and Germanic Nominalizations. 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 43), City University of New York, April 17-19.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. The Determiner Restriction in Nominalizations. Languages with and without Articles, University of Paris 8, Feb. 28-March 1.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis, Gianina Iordachioaia, Daniela Marzo and Birgit Umbreit. Comparing Lexicalist and Syntactic Insights on Deadjectival Nominalizations. Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 7: The Morphology-Syntax Interface, Dec. 17-18.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina. The Interaction between NP and DP in Nominalizations. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 43). City University of New York, Oct. 19-21.
  • Artemis Alexiadou, Mariangeles Cano, Gianina Iordachioaia, Fabienne Martin and Florian Schäfer.  On the Realization of External Arguments in Nominalizations: A Cross-linguistic Perspective. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Stockholm, Aug. 29-Sep. 1.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. Argument Structure in Adjectives and their Nominalizations. Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adjectives and Participles. London, June 22-23.
  • Artemis Alexiadou, Mariangeles Cano, Gianina Iordachioaia, Fabienne Martin and Florian Schäfer. The Syntax of External Arguments in Derived Nominals. The 27th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW), Yale, May 31-June 1.
  • Artemis Alexiadou, Mariangeles Cano, Gianina Iordachioaia, Fabienne Martin and Florian Schäfer. External Arguments and Derived Nominals. Workshop on Argument Structure, Debrecen, May 25-27.
  • Artemis Alexiadou, Mariangeles Cano, Gianina Iordachioaia, Fabienne Martin and Florian Schäfer. Direct Participation Effects in Derived Nominals. The 48th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS), Chicago, April 19-21.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. Psych Nominalizations with Causers and the Structure of Psych Verbs. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), University of Toronto, Nov. 11-13.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. Causative Nominalizations from Psych Verbs. Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP 9), Sep. 21-23.
  • Alexiadou, Artemis & Gianina Iordachioaia. Causative Nominalizations: Implications for the Structure of Psych Verbs. Structuring the Argument: A Multidisciplinary Workshop on the Mental Representation of Verbal Argument Structure, Paris, Sep. 3-5.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. A Further Insight into the Syntax-Semantics of Pluractionality. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 21, Rutgers University, May 20-22.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. The Syntax-Semantics of Pluractionality: An Insight from the Romanian Supine. 41st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), University of Ottawa, May 5-7.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. At the Syntax-Semantics Interface of Pluractionality: The Romanian Supine. Chronos 10: 10th International Conference on Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality, Aston University, Birmingham, April 18-20.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. The Structural Source of Stative Nominalizations from Psych Verbs. Chronos 10: 10th International Conference on Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality, Aston University, Birmingham, April 18-20.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. Event Plurality as Sum and Group Formation in the Romanian Supine. Workshop Verb Meaning, Event Semantics and Argument Structure, Barcelona, Dec. 2-3.
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. Layers of Pluractionality in the Romanian Supine. Rencontres d'Automne de Linguistique Formelle: Langage, Langues et Cognition (RALFe 1), Paris, Oct. 14-16
  • Iordachioaia, Gianina & Elena Soare. Countability across Categories: Layers of Pluractionality in the Romanian Supine Empirical, Theoretical and Computational Approaches to Countability in Natural Language, Bochum, Sep. 22-24.
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